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And this fantasy makes you more sexually and romantically marketable than you seem to realize, LWAM. Your fantasy probably lacks a name because it isn’t that odd or a whole lot to ask. Frank-N-Furter, a noted research scientist who also enjoyed dressing straight boys up in fishnets, teddies, and heels. There isn’t a name for this fantasy, LWAM, so let’s come up with one. Is there a name for it? (2) I know the first time I will giggle with joy and I’m afraid that will be a big buzzkill if my hypothetical future boyfriend thinks I’m laughing at him.ġ. I think there are two things holding me back: (1) I’ve never even heard of this fantasy, and that makes me feel like a creep. My second boyfriend found it degrading and wouldn’t do it. My first boyfriend was game, but I was so insecure with my sexuality at the time that I let it go. I’ve had the ovaries to bring this up only twice to men I’ve been with. I just want him to parade around a bit, and just for me.

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He doesn’t even have to act like a woman. Not full-blown drag, just a teddy, fishnets, and some heels. I am a hetero female, but one of my biggest fantasies is for a guy to dress up in women’s underwear.

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